IDD Services at a Glance

Best if you...
All you need is...
Need to make IDD calls at home or in the office
A fixed-line phone
Call 1000
IDD 001*
Can't afford to compromise on quality or convenience when making overseas voice calls/faxes
A fixed-line phone
Call 1000
Are on the move
A mobile phone
Call 1000
Need to make calls without registering for a service. Just get one from our shops or at convenience stores
A tone dial phone
HKT Shop & Convenience Stores
Need to receive calls from Hong Kong while saving expensive roaming charges
An overseas mobile or fixed-line telephone number to which calls are to be forwarded
Call 1000
Need to make calls from overseas back to Hong Kong or to other destinations, and save expensive roaming charges
An overseas mobile or fixed-line telephone number to which the service is to be connected to
Call 1000
*You may click here to get the IDD 001/002 rates information.
  • All your IDD calls are charged on a per-minute basis and each individual call charge is rounded up to the nearest 10 cents. The minimum charging unit for all IDD calls is one minute. Please call our customer hotline or contact your PCCW account manager for details.